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Thursday, December 25, 2008

HOHOHO!! MERRY CHRISTMASS &A HAPPY NEW YEAR PPL! (: may your wishes come true & hope we'll get to meet next year instead((: since sch's reopening >< Everybody Jiayousss(((:

SINNNyiiii (:

5:34 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hey Guys!
Nobody smsed or emailed me leh.
And now I dont know who can go and who cannot go.
Sinyi and I discussed it already,
we think it's cancelled for now.

Till further notice kay?


10:19 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

HELLO PEOPLE!!! e gathering 30th nov on okay??
*PLS INFORM [Jetaime, Louisa, Sinyi] whether you're going asap yea?
Sinyi @ cyndi_leowsinyi@hotmail.com,
Louisa @ dummie_pig@hotmail.com (: or tell us str8 if you have our numbers(: tagboard als cn(:

oh yea, Mr siva, if you're reading this, PLEASEEEEE come okay?? tell us if you're comin' too((: plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsssssssss okay?! DONT FORGET US!!!!!!!! ahhahahahhas!
oops, gone mad again><, nvm dont care me(;
Anyw, thx whole lots ppl, hope you guys cn come;DDD !! meanwhile,,, Take good care of yourselves , AND SMILES!! BE HAPPY-GO-LUCKY YEA?! hehe. post & update more, keep duhh blog going! See all of ya soon!! take cares(:

10:35 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hello! It's Louisa here.
Can I change the outing to 30th Nov instead of 2nd??
Can Can Can Can Can??

9:34 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

EDITED!!!! on 28th oct


Jetaime and I were discussing about the class outing because I really really really want a class outing this year :D So anyway, we came up with some ideas and then voila! It's the tentative one, if you guys have any objections or suggestions, either tag or tell me or jetaime.

Date : Sunday, November 30

Time : 1130 am
( so that we can have lunch together, any other suggestions, please tag )

Venue : Sentosa
( figured out that a movie would be too luan, bbq and chalet a bit too difficult and expensive AND inconvenient. )

Where to meet : Will be decided soon.

Okay, so yup, that's about final.
PLEASE PLEASE tag or whatever if you have any suggestions still.
And if you're reading this, please help pass the message on to other guys from 605 who don't know this blog. To everybody from 605 in other words.


5:37 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Friday, September 5, 2008

HELLO 605!
Aiya, we should have planned an outing for this september hols.
Everybody's so sian abt not having class outing this year :x
shop,movie? should be a good idea, don't need to collect money and all.
decide the date,venue and time :D
We can go... Plaza Singapura, Orchard etc.
Anywhere convenient for everyone lah!

XIUWEI! loves 605.

anybody read twilight saga? :D

12:56 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Friday, August 8, 2008

hi everybody!
exams should be over already right?
If your results suck like mine, work harder!
If its godlike, good for you.

Happy national day ahhhhhh!
meet up soon okay!



5:00 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[: